Author: Saroj Bhattarai

What Is SEO? A Simple Guide to Search Engine Optimization

If you are looking for promoting your website or interested in digital marketing, you must know what actually is SEO. If you are beginner then this SEO in Nepal guide will help you to know about digital marketing in detail.

What is SEO?

“SEO” stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s process of getting your business website on the top of the organic result pages.

For example, you have a trekking website and have a product Everest Base Camp Trekking. You want your website come to first position when someone searches Everest Base Camp Trek. If the search engine shows your page on the top, that is what the seo means.

The organic seo is almost 100% free and the chances to get visitors is high. But, doing seo is not a easy task and takes time.

Why do you need SEO?

The traditional type of marketing like (SMS, TV, radio and print ads) are outdated now. These are expensive than the digital marketing. Now, people are active on digial media and search engines to search any services or products of their interest. So, we need to focus on the SEO.

Search engine optimization is the most effective way to generate the targeted visitors to your business website. You will get potential customers through online marketing if you do seo correctly. A good seo strategy can boost your business and increase the productivity.

What are Search Engines?

In basic, search engines are search and answer machines. It reads all the contents, images, videos and web pages available on internet processing (crawling and indexing). Then it publishes the contents matching the query input by visitors in a order 1-10 in 1 page.

What is a Keyword?

Keyword is simply a phrase or word that the user type in search engines. People use it to search something in internet.

The keyword plays a vital role in SEO as it is used to find your business website online.

For example, if a visitor from other country than Nepal wants to trek in Nepal, he/she might search for Nepal Trekking, Trekking in Nepal, Nepal Trekking Packages or Nepal Trekking Company like this.

So, to make your website visible on search engines, you must place these keywords on your title and Meta description tag. Hence the search engines read it and displays on the SERP.

Only setting the keywords on the title and Meta Description is not done. You must have keyword density on your page content but don’t overwrite it.

Top 4 SEO Trends in 2020

Seo has become so difficult in 2019 that search engines are becoming more and more intelligent. Google has now displaying the results most practical as visitors search for certain queries.

For this reason, you should be aware of seo trends in 2019 for best practices.

1. Featured Snippets

Whenever you search for any query, you may see the answers to your queries just above the result pages which is called as Featured Snippets.

You can see the featured snippets like texts, lists, table, prices and images as per the query. This will have an important role in 2019 for seo. Google displays the relavant and quality excerpts that come from different websites related to user’s question.

Featured snippets result is google’s 0 position results. It is considered as the trustworthy and relavant to the query that visitors search for.

If you want to get your website traffic more and more, focus on featured snippets. For this, your content must be more strategic and quality that google can trust. You will have better ranking if your website content is good enough that google can use it. Apart this, your website structure should be well defined and clear.

2. Structured data

For better ranking on SERP, your website structure date plays a vital role. Google uses structured date to create rich snippets. These rich snippets oviously increases the click-through rate for your website. For this you should mark up your content in the best way. Your website data, rating starts, opening hours are the examples of rich snippets that google shows in SERP.

3. User Experience

User experience is the most important factor of search engine ranking. If your website is not optimized as per the user experience, you may loose visitors or increases the bounce rate of your website.

For user experience, you can optimize your website as
Page Speed
For the better ranking, you must optimize the loading time of your web page. Visitors generally go away of your website if your website load speed is more than 4s.

Relevant content
Your website should have the relevant quality content if you want to make your website visible on search engines. You must write the best content that are informative and helpful to visitors.

Mobile optimization
Today, about 60% of the visitors come from mobile devices. So, you must optimize your website for smartphones or tablets.

4. Voice search

Nowadays, people user their smartphone to search something on their favorite search engines. According to Emarketer, people spend an average amount of 3 hours and 30 minutes time on their smartphones every day. They use the search engines searching out the answers of their queries.

According to Comscore, about 40% of the adults use voice search instead of typing queries on search engines. So voice search in 2019 will become more prompt and trending. You must optimize your website for the voice search in 2019 for better results.

For voice search, you must follow some guidelines that works in real.
Focus on Long-tail keywords
People search for a question or a sentence instead of short keywords when they use voice search. So, you must focus on long tail keywords that would be beneficial to rank in search engines.

Provide answers
People generally use voice search for a question starting with what, why, when, how etc so focus on Question-Answer. Think about the fresh and updated answers that addresses the queries searched by visitors. Create questions and answers about your products and services that could a visitor may search for.

Local Business Directory Sites in Nepal

Are you done with the establishment of your Startup Company or have the existing company then it’s time to go for digital marketing.

There are different methods for online or digital marketing to make your business website visible in search engines. But, for the trustworthy of your business, listing in local business directory might be a good idea.

Nowadays, the marketing of online business is growing day by day and it is accelerating. With the scope in digital marketing, the promotion of business website has been easier.

First after the establishment of your business, get listed in the local directory sites that may boost your company website and help you find the business through online.

Before listing to these sites, first know these points.

What are Business Listing sites in Nepal?

A business listing site is an online store of the business details listing as per the category of the business. For the local market, these business listing sites are especially designed to build up a good relation between clients and business owners with easy methods.

Getting listed on these sites would help you to get your targeted visitors easily. You will get connected with the new customers with a wide opportunity of getting new leads and business.

Benefits of getting listed on Business sites in Nepal

Reach to the targeted visitors

Getting listed on the business sites, you will have chances of getting your targeted visitors looking for online products or services. This will help you getting exposure to online media.

Business profile or Brand

Listing to the directories would help you getting customers around the globe, no doubt. But, this will help you get your company band known loudly. Your business products or services are getting a online presence and hence chances of getting new leads may increase.

Budget/Cheap Advertisement

Before the digital marketing concepts, people used to market their products or services through the media like Newspaper, TV and radio. But this has been changed nowadays and the advertisement program has been gone to online marketing.

So, business listing would help you minimize your advertisement budget and your products gets a global reach with cost effective or cheap medium.

Business listing directory sites

  • Yellowpagesnepal
  • Bhetincha  – Live chat support for the quick inquiry.
  • Revealnepal – Live chat support for the quick inquiry.
  • Nepal.jantareview
  • Khojnu – Contact them for fast support
  • YPNepal
  • Nepalseek
  • NepalYP
  • Wowcity
  • Nepallink  – Reciprocal link is required.

These listing sites have been filtered from the other lists as per the activeness and services of the sites.

You can let us know if you own or know the similar kind of sites in our comment box, we will manually publish them after going through.

SEO in Nepal

The world has rapidly shifted towards a more online way of doing things – Digital Marketing. Being said that, there are a lot of websites and online resources we use on a daily basis. With the huge plethora of content present in the market of today, particular search engines help us navigate through the varied content. To stand out in such search engines, SEO comes into play. Get details about Seo in Nepal herewith.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process to ensure the increase of the website traffic and its quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a web site or a web page to the visitors who make use of the search engine platforms. In other words, SEO is the strategy used in order to obtain free, organic, editorial or natural high status on the most popular search engines.

Al the search engine giants such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and Hotmail showcase the primary search result when you go about searching a particular topic. The listings include results such as web pages and other varied content like videos, photos, maps and so on. The search engine chooses their primary listings of result based on the  level of relevancy to the users.

Following the common global trait of digitization, Nepal is also moving towards a major internet revolution. With that being said, there is merely any competitive business who have their own website or online presence. It is a given that there is a massive competition going on between online contents to shine above the massive competition. This is exactly where the SEO strategy comes into play, providing an edge to the contents online to win on the search engine result listing. SEO in Nepal has undoubtedly grown to become one of the most popular and relevant form of online marketing tool in the present day context.

What is SEO and how does it work?

For a small scale business which has just taken the first step of going online by creating its first website, SEO might be quite a intimidating step to go through with. Although this seems to be the case with many businesses SEO is quite a simple, effective and cost efficient tool which can uplift the business and website visits quite well.

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization is the process through which your website is optimized in order to garner organic and unpaid online traffic from the search engine results page. To put it differently, SEO makes some modifications in the content and design aspect of your website so that it could seem more attractive while search engines skim through it.

Despite the fact that many seem to be intimidated by the complexity of the procedures of SEO and the things that affect website ranking, the basics are not hard to understand at all. Search Engines aim to provide their customers with the best of services and the lists of results that are presented upon a particular search is not based on the high quality but rather on the relevancy to the one who is searching. The search engines scans, crawls and goes through different website in an attempt to better understand what the site is actually about. Through the search of particular sets of keywords and topics the search engine delivers particularly relevant results. As a matter of fact, readability and navigation is also kept into major consideration by the engines providing the sites that excel in this area a higher ranking in the results. That is why SEO focuses on the making your site more user friendly.

To ensure the high ranking in the search engines, organizations tend to make use of SEO for relevant keywords and phrases. For example, if your website has a article about how to bake a cake, you need to optimize the particular content in such a way that it will show up on the top result of the search engine when anyone searches for the phrase “bake a cake”.

What is the purpose and benefits of SEO?

SEO’s main purpose is to generate a wide organic viewership through proper optimization of available content. The strategies that search engines use to rank a website are kept in mind and utilized to increase the ranking in the search engines in order to increase the visitors to the particular content or website in general.

Also, SEO is immensely beneficial to your business. One of the most significant ones being the outreach to a huge pool of untapped costumers who are just lurking about in the search engines. SEO ensures such potential customers are reached and properly engaged through proper means. More targeted unpaid viewership would be at your disposal just by keeping your focus on creating more engaging and effective SEO-focused content.

Types of SEO

Now that we know about the working of SEO, we must also learn that there are a variety of factors that can hugely affect the effectiveness of your SEO. On page and off page factors are the most evident ones which are discussed below.

Content Marketing

Before we dive right into the prospects of on and off page SEO factors lets first discuss the most important aspect of them all, content. Content is without a doubt the most significant when it comes to the effectiveness of SEO. The quality is always determined by the quality and quantity of variety of content present in the website. It is the path through which search engines are attracted and the once the visitors come through, the means to keep them engaged and make valuable connection with them.

Your website would be highly rated by the search engines if you host the most quality content pieces that are relevant to the consumers. Engaging and effective content is a major plus for your business as well because it keeps the audience indulged in your content spending the quality time which them want to visit again.

The major focus should be kept on diversity of well-written and relevant topics that cater the needs of your audience. Blog posts and articles, social media content, E-books, Videos and audio recordings, info-graphics or other visual content are some of the aspects to keep your focus on in order to improve your content offering.

In addition, major focus also needs to be drawn towards the aspect of SEO keywords and phrases while creating content. When you incorporate such relevant and frequently searched keywords and phrases into your content they provide you with major edge on the search engine platforms increasing your overall ranking in the search results. Moreover, the maintaining the freshness of your content can also majorly impact the ranking in the search engines. Freshness refers to how frequently your website posts contents. The updates and addition of new information can also add to the freshness of your content.

Specifically for a travel company, we must develop travel-related blogs with detailed information to provide informative content to travelers. These blogs should include various perspectives such as simple text, local flavor, in-depth information, photographs, and feedback and reviews from previous travelers.

Despite the time consuming and hectic nature of content creation, the end result pays off quite well.

SEO in Nepal – On Page Methods

On Page SEO focuses on optimization of the elements present in your own website. We enjoy total control over this aspect of SEO and can improve the factors over the years by putting our best foot forth when it comes to SEO.  These aspects of SEO roots in the site’s HTML and thus goes beyond the content marketing.

 Below are few on page SEO tools:

  • Title Tag: The major function of the title tag is to aid the search engines to navigate what a particular page is about. This should comprise of less than 70 characters including the keyword and business name.
  • Meta Description: Meta description of your website lets the search engine in on the information on what each page is about. It is also used by viewers to better understand the page and if it is relevant or not. It comprises of keywords and details for the viewers on the particular subject.
  • Sub Headings: It is a given that sub headings phenomenally increases the readability of your text but it also serves a better purpose by uplifting your SEO. The use of H1, H2 and H3 helps the search engine better understand the subject matter of a content.
  • Internal Links: Making use of the internal links or hyperlinks to other content of your site, the search engine gets a chance to elaborately get to know the website.
  • Image name and ALT tags: If you make use of images in your content or your website, the inclusion of image name and ALT tabs must be taken into consideration. Doing this will aid search engines to align your image with proper indexing while viewers image search for the particular phrase.

Additionally, site architecture must also be kept on a high priority as it plays a vital role while determining your search engine ranking. Using a architecture which allows for a smooth and breezy scan or crawl by the search engines can majorly boost ranking among the results. Furthermore, these days mobile based visitors are on quite a rise so it is important to analyze if your website is mobile friendly or not.  This affects viewer experience as well as the SEO.

SEO in Nepal – Off Page Methods

While on -page SEO is completely under your grasp and can change the status of a website overtime, off page SEO can drastically improve your ranking quite quickly and effectively. However, the grasp of control over these factors of SEO is completely out of your hands.

Below are the off-page SEO factors that may have an impact on your search engine ranking.

  • Trust: In the world of today trust is a major commodity as it directly correlates with a site’s Google ranking. Google focuses majorly on consumer satisfaction and a legitimate site that is trustworthy to visitors of course earns a higher ranking in the search engine. One of the best ways to ensure the trust levels among the viewership is to build backlinks from sites that have a high standard, value and authority.
  • Links: Backlinks are very important for building off-page SEO. Nurturing relationships with influencers and fans that create quality product is crucial for SEO as their content may link to yours and add value as a result.
  • Social: Social currencies such as like and shares hold a major determination when it comes to ranking. The more the quality, the more the shares and likes.

There are a lot of factors that comes into play when it concerns SEO ranking but if you are able to create engaging and valuable content there is always space for growth. In fact, this is the only sustainable and truly organic manner of garnering visitors. SEO does take quite a while to work its magic but once it does new prospects for the particular website just opens up.

SEO in the context of Nepal

There is a growing scope and use of SEO tools in Nepal as the internet and its use is becoming more mainstream among the people. With the blossoming websites and online businesses, SEO in Nepal has grown to become a rather common term. There are a huge plethora of business houses which specialize on the SEO issues of these websites are booming in businesses.

If you require the one firm which will cater each and every one of your SEO needs, definitely do contact us here at Genesis Web Technology.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is SEO in digital/online marketing?

SEO is acronym for Search Engine Optimization. Search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo have primary search results and to rise up in the variety of results SEO comes into play.

What is the purpose of SEO?

SEO is used to bring in new potential customers through different search engines.

How does SEO work?

SEO is the process of modifying or optimizing your website in an attempt to garner organic and unpaid traffic through the search result listings of search engines. The search engine, in the process to understand a particular website, scan and crawl through its content and lists accordingly. Through SEO this procedure of scanning and crawling is utilized to obtain an edge over the different results that appear on a search engine.

Is SEO effective?

Yes, it definitely is. Yet, it is a gradual process and you need to wait for a while before the real results starts showing.

Why is SEO so expensive?

This is a common misconception. SEO’s price can vary depending on your current status of the website. If basic levels of tools are already in place it is rather cheap. However, if you have a new website in which SEO in Nepal must be used from the scratch the cost is obviously high. Also, the cost can also rise if you desire to establish a brand and presence online.

How long does it take for SEO to work?

but it is sure a gradual process. Being said that, once you commence on the SEO campaign, the results will appear and grow over time. As a matter of fact, the result you see at 6 months is way less than what you get at month 12. Contact Genesis Web Technology for seo projects.

Digital Marketing in Nepal

As the world is completely in the technological era, undoubtedly the way of doing things has moved on to a digital platform. Keeping up with this trend, Nepal is also shifting its way towards a more digital approach in everyday life. Being said that, digital marketing is gaining major traction among businesses in the present-day scenario. As the internet is taking major hold of the people and business in Nepal, the popularity of digital market is just soaring. Now, digital marketing in Nepal has been a part of business to increase productivity on online.

Some 5 years ago there used to be only a few of the companies that specialized in the field of digital marketing but now the industry is just booming with staggering numbers of digital marketing firms. The consumer demand for the services are also at an all level high.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is also one of them marketing strategy which aims to reach the expected costumers through various digital technologies mostly making the use of internet. In other words, Digital marketing is defined as the use of means like internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other channels to reach consumers. Some of the common practices in the digital market today include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, Google AdSense, affiliate marketing and so on. With the rise of this form of marketing the use of digital marketing tools is also getting diversified as new approaches are being applied for more effectiveness.

Simply put, Digital marketing actually is all about making use of the internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other channels to extend your reach to the consumers.

Why is digital marketing so relevant in today’s world?

The sole purpose of digital marketing is to bridge the gap between the seller and the costumer. So, if you are a provider of any kind of product or services, you would always like to have the information on where your costumers are and reach as much of them as possible. The people of today spend most of their time in the internet platform. Making use of this lucrative platform, digital marketing eases the flow of product and services within the market benefiting both the costumers as well as the marketers. Through this approach businesses are able to reach a huge number of people in one go, which makes this form of marketing even more viable in the world of today.

What are the benefits of digital marketing?

The word digitization itself means that every phenomenon happens on electronic devices, which of course makes for a better reliability of the quality and state of data being recorded. The campaigns and their benefits can always be analyzed and accessed in real time. This makes digital marketing more effective and efficient.

Moreover, you can also change strategies based on the comparison of previous one with the ones used in the present. Performance evaluations also come in handy to precisely analyze and work on the strategy changes that are required to reach a more effective approach. Digital Marketing is also beneficial when it concerns the regular visitors and consumers and keeping their track. The benefits also include garnering the details on the costumers and their preference. Digital marketing often is interactive and engages the targeted audience quite well. This makes the customer retention ration even higher.

Digital Marketing Tools

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The procedure of search engine optimization is followed in order to rank the desired website higher in search engine result pages. SEO is carried out in order to gain organic traffic that has long term benefits for the particular website. The organic visits to the website play an integral part in the long-term growth, development and popularity of the page. SEO is generally applied to the content of the website in particular.

Some of the major instances of on page SEO include Meta title and description, heading tags, content and keywords, page speed, image optimization and internet linking. On the other hand, off page SEO encompasses tools like link building, outreach, social media engagement, social bookmarking, forum submission, article submission and press release.

SEO is a really beneficial digital marketing tool as it aids websites to gain major boost in the traffic department.

Social Media Marketing

With the intention of increasing audience, traffic, brand awareness, leads and sales for your business, the highly effective tool, Social Media Marketing is drawn out. With the immense popularity of social media platforms over the years, the importance of social media marketing for businesses is only witnessing an upwards curve.

The people of today engage themselves in the social media sites quite often. Making use of such sites including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google+, the businesses tap into the pool of potential that the screens of the consumer hold. Its outreach to consumers is numbered in millions which makes social media marketing an inseparable part of digital marketing.

Content Marketing

A long-term marketing strategy, content marketing, is an approach taken forth by providing quality, relevant content in a continuous basis with the aim of provide the traffic with a clear path uphill. Content marketing’s major focal point always is the solving of problems.

For instance, Nike adds its tagline of “just do it” with a variety of commercials, advertisements and brand events. The variety and frequency of their content, provides major help for the brand to get across their message into consumer’s consciousness which is undoubtedly in the betterment of any business for that matter. Likewise, Jockey with their “Jockey or nothing” and KFC with their “It’s finger licking good.” do apply the same approach of content marketing.

Some of the forms of content marketing strategy are blogs, videos, infographics, social media posts, ebooks, ad banners and so on.

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is an online advertising platform which allows publishers to let the world in on the variety of contents including text, video, infographics, questionnaire and a varied interactive media ad integrated under published content that include blogs, website, channels and personal business platforms present on Google network. Google gets paid for a content to be shown as an advertisement in the high traffic generating contents.

Google AdWords

Another one of the platforms of Google Advertisement is Google AdWords. In this strategy, an advertiser pays Google to display their content for advertisement in the search result pages. The advertisement seekers must pay Google on the basis of Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) or PPC (Pay Per Click).

Affiliate Marketing

When you promote products and services for others through your personal channels like websites, social media, advertisements and more, to earn some commission is known as affiliate marketing. Mostly YouTube channels and bloggers make specific use of this marketing tool to popularize different type of costumer goods and services. These types of marketing are in the rise in today’s world.

Email Marketing

Email marketing although is a very old strategy it is considered to be the most effective. There have been multiple successful attempts into this type of marketing. With the majority of the people finding themselves in the constant need to use the email, the strategy has a high effectiveness rate and the trend will surely not see downfall any time soon. However, the fears over spamming costumer’s inbox still prevail among the marketers as the advertisements may fall into deaf ears.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile phone has an integral role to play in the lives of human being’s existent today. With that being said, advantage is extracted out of this human inclination towards cell phones when advertisements for various products and services are provided on an individual basis. Ncell’s constant update about its product and services can be taken as a major example of this strategy.

Is Digital marketing costly?

The major goal of digital market is to increase the traffic that occurs in a website, page or any published content. With that in consideration, the onetime cost for the traffic generation can be high. Yet as long term strategies are applied, they draw organic visitors which is beneficial for the business in the long run. Yes, the cost at the beginning may intimidate some but the farsighted benefits of digital marketing sure outweighs the initial cost.

Digital Marketing in the Context of Nepal

Digital market is a rather new area of business in the Nepalese context. With the staggering boom of internet in Nepal, the business of Digital marketing gained new perspective in the business world. High number of businesses conducting providing their services in the market are prevalent. Given the mushrooming business houses the competition is fierce but as always quality service is always appreciated.

We here are Genesis Web Technology focus on providing the best of services to our costumers incorporating the major mantra of our company innovation, execution and evolution.

Visit Nepal 2020 – How Digital Media Help?

What is Visit Nepal 2020?

Nepal Government, tourism associations and organizations are planning 2020 as the Visit year aiming to welcome at least 2 million tourists. Visit Nepal 2020 is the common mission/campaign of Nepal to boost the Nepal tourism after the earthquake in 2015.

Government has a history of successful campaign of Visit Nepal year 1998 and Nepal tourism year 2011 to promote tourism. Visit Nepal 2018 campaign was announced in 2015 soon after the Earthquake to spread the message to the world that Nepal is safe for tourism activities. Later on, it was postponed to 2020. The campaign was postponed due to delay in construction of airports in Pokhara and Lumbini, re-construction of heritage sites, roads and other infrastructure.

Visit Nepal 2020 Slogan

 "Lifetime Experiences"

Visit Nepal 2020 Logo

Visit Nepal 2020 Logo

What to do in 2020?

The travel activities whatever you choose depends on your mood. If you like adventures, you can join trekking, hiking, bungy jumping, rock climbing, peak climbing, paragliding, zip flyer and many others. If you like culture and visit places around the jungles and cities, you can go tours and sightseeing. Mountaineering is an epic adventure that takes you to the high Himalayas above 8000m, you need to prepare much for this activity.

Where to go in 2020?

There are many beautiful places in Nepal that can attract you for traveling. From high mountains above 8000m to lowlands to 60m, Nepal has geographical diversity within few kilometers. More to know, Nepal is also the land of culture and festivals. The people from different culture, religion and languages live together with peace and harmony. So, you will have opportunity to explore the ethic mountain villages to tropical jungles in the lowlands.

The main tourism places in Nepal are Kathmandu, Pokhara, Chitwan, Lumbini, Janakpur, Nepalgunj, Everest area, Annapurna area, Lantang area, Makalu area, Kanchenjunga area, Dolpo area, Mustang area and Manaslu area.

Within few days, you can travel these beautiful and stunning places and explore the adventure extremity. For traveling around the city areas, you can travel via Car, Jeep, Bus, Aeroplane and helicopter as per your choice. But for the mountain area, you should walk on your own foot. Nowadays, most of the Himalayan areas are connected with roads and trekking itineraries are shortening.

Why Visit in Nepal in 2020?

Nepal is world in itself. You can experience most of the adventures in Nepal that are available in other countries. You will have excellent experience of weather and climate that are favorable for traveling.

There are few reasons why you should visit Nepal in 2020, here we go.
Culture and history

Nepal has 10 UNESCO listed World Heritage Sites combing cultural and natural. Boudhanath Stupa, Pashupatinath Temple, Swayambhunath Stupa, Kathmandu Durbar Square, Patan Durbar Square, Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Changu Narayan Temple are the cultural World heritage sites in Kathmandu valley whereas Lumbini resides in Kapilvastu district outside the Kathmandu.

Similarly, Chitwan National Park and Sagarmatha National Park are the two national parks that are listed in natural world heritage sites list.

The Glorious Mountains

There are 14 highest mountain peaks in the world above 8000m and among them 8 are in Nepal. The world’s highest mountain peak Mount Everest (8848m) lies in Nepal-Tibet boarder in Solukhumbu i.e. Khumbu area. The other highest mountains are Mt. Kanchenjunga (8586), Mt. Lhotse (8516m), Mt. Makalu (8463m), Mt. Cho Oyu (8201m), Mt. Dhaulagiri I (8167), Mt. Manaslu (8156m), Mt. Annapurna I (8091). There are many other mountains that are above 5000m-8000m.

Public Holidays in Nepal 2076 BS

Are you looking for public holidays in Nepal, here we are listing the national calendar of all the Government holidays lists in Nepali and english dates. These days can be modified as the government official announcement during the year. You may check this page regularly for the updates.

There are 15 days of public holiday around the year according to Nepali calendar 2076. These public holidays consists of cultural festivals, religious occasions and events.

Government and private offices are closed on Saturday and its official holiday in Nepal. Other international offices have their own rule for holidays. Normally, they are closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Among them, Hartalika Teej and Rishi Panchami are observed only by females. Ghode (Horse) Jatra, Gai (Cow) Jatra, Indra Jatra and Machhandranath Jatra – Bhoto Jatra(Bhoto Dekhaune Jatra) are observed in Kathmandu valley only by Newari people. Christmas day is observed by Christians only.

List of Public Holidays in Nepal for 2076 BS

Saturday Holidays

MonthSaturday (s)
Baishakh7, 14, 21, 28
Jestha4, 11, 18, 25, 32
Ashadh7, 14, 21, 28
Sharwan4, 11, 18, 25, 32
Bhadra7, 14, 21, 28
Ashoj4, 11, 18, 25
Kartik2,9, 16, 23, 30
Mangsir7, 14, 21, 28
Poush5, 12, 19, 26
Magh4, 11, 18, 25
Falgun3, 10, 17, 24
Chaitra1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Baisakh 2076 (April 2019)

  • 1st Baisakh (14th April): Nepali Happy New Year
  • 11th Baisakh (24th April): Loktantra Diwas
  • 17th Baisakh (30th April): Buddha Jayanti
  • 18th Baisakh (1st May): Majdur Diwas (International Labour Day)

Jestha 2076 (May 2019)

  • 15th Jestha (29th May): Ganatrantra Diwas

Aashad 2076 (June 2019)

  • 1st Aashad (15th June): Ramjan Edul Fikra

Bhadra 2076 (August/September 2019)

  • 10th Bhadra (26th August): Rakshya Bandan (Janai Purnima)
  • 18th Bhadra (3rd September): Srikrishna Janmashtami
  • 27th Bhadra (12th September): Hartalika Teej
  • 29th Bhadra (14th September): Rishi Panchami

Aashwin 276 (September/October 2019)

  • 3rd Aashwin (19th September): Constitution Day
  • 23rd Aashwin (9th October): Ghatasthapana
  • 30th Aashwin (16th October): Fulpati
  • 31st Aashwin (17th October): Maha Ashtami

Kartik 2076 (October/November 2019)

  • 1st Kartik (18th October): Maha Navami
  • 2nd Kartik (19th October): Vijaya Dashami
  • 6th Kartik (23rd October): Kojagrat Purnima
  • 21st Kartik (7th November): Laxmi Puja
  • 22nd Kartik (8th November): Govardhan Puja
  • 23rd Kartik (9th November): Bhai Tika
  • 27th Kartik (13th November): Chhath Puja

Poush 2076 (December 2019)

  • 7th Poush (22th December): Udhauli Parva
  • 10th Poush (25th December): Christmas Day
  • 15th Poush (30th December): Tamu Losar

Magh 2076 (January/February 2020)

  • 1st Magh (11th Jan): Maghe Sakranti
  • 16th Magh (30th Jan): Martyrs’ Day
  • 22nd Magh (5th Feb): Sonam Lhosar

Falgun 2076 (February/March 2020)

  • 7th Falgun (19th Feb): Democracy Day
  • 20th Falgun (4th March): Maha Shivaratri
  • 23rd Falgun (7th March): Galpo Lhosar
  • 24th Falgun (8th March): International Woman’s Day

Chaitra 2076 (March/April 2020)

  • 11th Chaitra: Ghode Jatra

Festivals in Nepal

Nepal has been introduced as the land of Mountains but do you know almost everyday the Nepalese people celebrate cultural events in anyway. Nepal is a country of multi-lingual, multi-cultural, multi-caste and multi-religious people living under the same roof with peace and harmony. So, there are many festivals in Nepal celebrated in a different way by different traditions.

Some of the festivals are fixed and given public holiday by Government. But, religious festivals are set for honoring the people who celebrate it.

Here are some major festival lists celebrated in Nepal.

  • Dashain 2076
  • Tihar 2076
  • Chhath 2076
  • Lhosar 2076
  • Maghe Sankranti 2076
  • Basanta Panchami 2076
  • Maha Shivaratri 2076
  • Fagu Purnima or Holi 2076
  • Ghode Jatra 2076
  • New Year and Bisket Jatra 2076
  • Buddha Jayanti 2076
  • Rato Machchhendranath Rath Jatra 2076
  • Nag Panchami 2076
  • Janai Purnima 2076
  • Gai Jatra 2076
  • Krishna Janmastami 2076
  • Teej 2076
  • Indra Jatra 2076

Teej Festival in Nepal

What is Teej?

Teej in Nepal is the largest festival celebrated by Nepali Hindu womens. The festival has a great significance in the Nepalese culture and tradition that has been carried out since long years.

Haritalika Teej festival has a great history since the ancient time when Goddess parbati wish to have her husband God Shiva. So, this festival is celebrated by Hindus all over the world for the long, prosperous and health life of their spouse.

When is Teej?

Generally, this 3-day festival falls on monsoon months sometimes in August, sometimes in September. The festival denotes the mid of monsoon season in Nepal.

In 2076, the festival is on 16th Bhadra i.e. 2nd September 2019.

How is Teej celebrated?

Teej festival in Nepal is celebrated for three days. Here we are describing each day, let’s go.

Teej Festival – First Day (Dar Khane Din)

First day of teej is also known as Teej Eve or Dar Khane Din. On this day, the female members of the family get together and prepare the dar (the feast). The feast is served till midnight. After the midnight, the 24 hours fasting starts.

Teej Festival – Second Day (Fasting Day)

The second day of Teej is fasting day. On this day, womens (Married or Un-married) stay fasting the whole day without drinking even a drop of water. On this day, they wear the beautiful dress specially red and green mix dress with the ornaments.

Womens get together in the shiva temples nearby to worship lord shiva lingum. After performing puja, they sing and dance whole day. The most popular song of the teej is “Teej ko rahar aayo bari lai…” In Kathmandu, Nepalese hindu women get together in Pashupatinath temple.

Outside the Kathmandu valley, women gather in the public places like road and open places and enjoy the festival by singing and dancing on the teej folk songs.

Teej Festival – Third Day (Rishi Panchami Puja)

The third or final day of haritalika teej is Rishi Panchami. At morning, womens bath with the red mud found the on the roots of the sacred Datiwan bush along with its leaves and brush with its branches. This is the act of purification during the teej festival. Doing this, they will be pure of their past sins.

After the holy bath, they pay homage to the seven saints (Rishis in Nepali). After the puja, they enjoy the delicious food.

Genesis Web Technology wishes Happy Teej to all Nepalese Hindu womens resided in Nepal and abroad.

GWT also encourages womens to grow with their vision and business entrepreneurship. If you are planning to start a business or a startup business entrepreneur, please contact Genesis Web Technology for 30% discount on our services (Web Design + SEO). This offer only valid till Asoj 15th. So, get a quick contact and grab the offer. *Terms and Conditions Apply*

Asar 15 National Paddy Day

Monsoon in Nepal

Monsoon in Nepal generally starts from the June to first half month of September ie from Asar to Bhadra. The rain freshens the atmosphere, washes the dirt and dust. The weather is calming and soothing. Monsoon in Nepal starts from Asar 15 onwards with the light rainfall.

Nepal is the country where agriculture is the most important and major occupation of the people. For the agriculture, monsoon is the right time for agricultural activities.

What is Rice?

Rice is popular and regular consuming cereal grain of Nepal. Basically, it is grown in Nepal two times, once in Asar and another in Chaitra. But, planting a rice paddy during Asar is more significant.

Asar – Monsoon Month

Asar is the 3rd month of the Nepali calendar and the month of monsoon. Typically, the monsoon in Nepal starts right from Asar ie June of Georgian calendar. Asar marks the busy month for the Nepali farmers as this is the main season of cultivation of rice paddy.

During the month of Asar, there will be rice cultivated almost all over the nation. So, by the agricultural point of view, Asar is the main season to grow rice crops in the fields.

Asar 15 – National Paddy Day

As Asar is the main season to rice plantation, Nepal government has announced Asar 15 as the National Paddy Day to celebrate it as a festival all over the nation. On Asar 15, most of the farmers are busy on their fields planting paddy, singing, dancing and eating dahi chiura (curd and beaten rice).

Asar 15 is also called as Asar Pandhra, Ropain Jatra and Rastriya Dhan Diwas. From this day, the official rice paddy plantation begins in Nepal. Planting a rice paddy during Asar is the day to grow quintals of rice from kilos.

Genesis Web Technology wishes Happy Asar 15 or National Paddy day to all our clients, well wishers, staffs and Nepalese from all over the nation. We extend gratitude to the Nepalese farmers who work hard to feed others.

Mata Tirtha Aunsi – Nepali Mothers day in Nepal

Mothers day in Nepal also known as Mata Tirtha Aunsi (मातातीर्थ औंसी) or “Aamako Mukh Herne Din” (आमाको मुख हेर्ने दिन) falls on new moon day of Baisakh (first month of Nepali calendar).

It is the day to honor and how love to one’s mother. Those who do not have mother’s go nearby ponds, pilgrimage sites for Shraddha or Pinda Daan to their departed mothers. They do the ritual at home or nearby ponds, river or holy places.

Mothers day in Nepal is a day to remember mothers and their motherhood. Actually, mothers are great and creator of the world. Mothers spend whole life caring their children and praying well for them.

People gift their mothers with the favorite food, clothes and sweets. This is the day to honor and respect the sacrifice of mothers.

People who don’t have mothers go to Mata Tirtha, a pilgrimage place situated at Chandragiri Municipality of Kathmandu valley. They take a holy dip bath, do sida daan and worship in a temple.

When is Mata Tirtha Aunsi in 2077/2020?

Mata Tirth Aunsi falls on April 21 2020.

Where is Mothers day 2077/2020 observed?

Nepali mother’s day or Amako mukh herne din is observed in Mata Tirtha, Chandragiri Municipality.

Genesis Web Technology Pvt. Ltd wishes a Happy Mother’s day 2020 to all of you.